The influence of radiation HP against reproductive health

Electromagnetic waves were discovered by Heinrich Hertz. Transversal waves include electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can be as a wave or as a particle. Wave, characterized by the velocity (the speed of light wavelengths and frequencies. If considered as particles, they are known as photons, and each has an energy related to the frequency of the wave given by Planck's relation.

Utilization of GEM in everyday life is indeed very important. But it turns out that GEM also has a bad influence, one in the field of reproductive health such as:

The sperm can be damaged or abnormal if too often exposed to cell phone radiation.
Women who use HP while pregnant have a tendency would give birth to children with behavioral problems is he. Pregnant women who use HP that although only 2 or 3 times a day, enough to pose the risk of their babies are exposed to disease and hyperactive could have difficulty in understanding/learning, emotions and socialization of the child at the time of the school.
A decrease in Passion Sex, a sense of burning and fatigue. Ukroina Research on animals shows mobile phone users may lose passionate sex are drastic. Mice exposed to cell phone radiation produces much less hormone testoterone in your blood than mice not exposed. The higher the level of radiation is the less testosterone is produced, reducing sexual arousal. Scandinavian Research sponsored by the mobile phone industry, the Government of Norway and Sweden confirmed the existence of a correlation between the frequency of long/often the use of mobile phones with the emergence of symptoms of fatigue/burning taste, fatique and headache. There are also mobile users who report have experienced skin itching, burning and convulsions.
Handicapped baby in the USA, cell phone radiation is also associated with dangers of pregnant mother and fetus that dikandungnnya. A study showed that cell phone radiation cause defects in emberio chicken.
2.2 Objectives the need to keep the reproductive health of radiation influence on HP

Targets need to maintain reproductive health from radiation influence of HP are all walks of life ranging from infants, toddlers, children, teens, parents, to seniors. Because the radiation affects the HP negative impact to anyone khusnya baby to the children even teenagers also.

Keep HP from the kids because their brains are still young are very sensitive to radiation HP if exposed long enough. Moreover, the baby is much more sensitive to mention even some can't help it.
       The Toronto Public Health Department has advised the youth and children keciluntuk limiting the use of their mobile phones, in order to avoid health risks are simply potential. This is ebijakan the first in Canada.
     Officials have already warned that due to the side effects of radio frequency radiation, children under the age of delepan years are supposed to use mobile phones only in emergencies, and the teens need to restrict calls to less than 10 minutes.

2.3 the necessity of safeguarding reproductive health from radiation influence of HP

Truly tragic to find that mobile (HP) which is used every day to community needs have turned out to be a pretty deadly radiation in the long term if we are not careful to use it. Which also shocking is the HP radiation turns out can also be used to ripen the grain eggs such as microwaves.

To prove it, is needed:
· 1 egg and 2 HP.
· 65-minute conversation from 1 HP to another.
· Set up as in the picture.

Starts the call between the two HP for approximately 65 minutes:
· the first 15 minutes does not happen anything.
After 25 minutes the egg starts to warm, after 45 minutes, the egg was already hot and after 65 minutes the egg is cooked.

If the microwave radiation emitted by HP are able to modify the protein in the egg. So much happens to the proteins in human brain when talk each other through HP.

2.4 a safe place to keep the reproductive health of radiation influence on HP

A safe place to keep the reproductive health of radiation influence HP i.e. anywhere except far from the organs of the body especially on organs near the uterus, breast, and brain genetalia tool.
It would be nice if HP v in place on a Pocket bag rather than on clothes when the HP is not used.
-          make a call using handsfree if it will call for a long time.
-           do not call in a car without an external antenna on the car.

2.5 the right time to keep the health of radiation influence on HP
Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of an electric field magnetic field oscillating and propagating through space and bring in energy from one place to another. Visible light is one form of electromagnetic radiation

Quantum energy caused by electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones, is still relatively small quantity because only ranges seper million electron Volts. However, if the distance of the source of radiation with matter, i.e. the distance between the plane with his head phones (in particular the brain) into account, then the impact of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones should not be ignored. The reason is because the intensity of electromagnetic radiation received by material (the head of the special part of the ear), will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance, meaning that the closer the source of radiation (mobile phones) will be greater the radiation received. The question would be more interesting again, if contact time or time talking over the phone are taken into account, then the accumulated impact of the radiation resulting from the use of mobile phones need further scrutiny.

We recommend that you wear HP on when needed only. When not needed is better kept away, as it will interfere with the body's health and disrupt the activity of work both for teens and adults. And it could lead to misunderstanding to someone.

2.6 the level of public awareness of the health of radiation influence on HP

Public awareness will be a bad influence that may arise due to radiation GEM is still low. Unwittingly by society, HP used everyday also emits a GEM can be bad effect on the health of the body.

2.7 case studies

The habit of Putting a Fatal HP.

Never a woman miscarry in a row when the age of a fetus aged 2-3 months. This husband and wife couples check out their next pregnancy and found that the fetus is experiencing continuous damage until the fetus is dead. The doctor said that this woman's womb was infected by radiation HP so make a fetus in it could not last long to live and thrive.
Her womb was dead so it is impossible for him to have a fetus alive anyway.. Selidik selidik, women have turned out to have the habit of saving your work jacket HP in a position he's right near the uterus for several years.

Do not anymore we underestimate the risk from radiation is HP is because as a result can fatal to organ of our body. Protect HP from you as much as possible when you are not wearing it.
Don't be too often put HP near the kidneys, heart, and dikantung your pants as this can damage the kidneys, heart, and Your reproductive system!
Do not put HP close to you when sleeping. Keep also other electronic items (radio, television, laptops) from where you sleep due to radiation from electronic items that can harm your health in the long term. Existing radiation disrupts hormone production process by our body when we sleep.

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